Shipping Policy

  • We are proud to offer complimentary shipping on all U.S. Domestic orders. Currently, we are unable to accept online orders with shipping addresses outside the United States. We hope to ship internationally soon. 
  • We process and prepare your order for shipping within 3-5 days. Once shipped, your order will arrive within 5-7 business days. 
  • Please note that occasionally items may be temporarily out-of-stock. We will make every effort to communicate any order and shipping delays within 24 hours of your order.
  • Any questions, please email us at

Return Policy

  • Your joy means the most to us. We want you to be completely happy with your jewelry treasure. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your online purchase, you may return items that are unworn, unaltered and free from scratches and blemishes for a refund, exchange or credit within 15 days from the date of shipment.
  • All refunds will be issued to the original form of payment. It may take an additional 2-10 business days after your credit is issued for it to post to your account. Please email us at: to start the return process.
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